Independent audits, health checks and assurance
We can undertake reviews to provide independent assurance that your processes and controls to prevent or identify financial crime are designed and operating effectively. We can also audit organisational culture as well as performing health checks and inflight reviews of change projects.

Due diligence
Now more than ever knowing your staff, customers and suppliers as well as the source of any funds is vital. We can undertake a variety of open source background checks on individuals and corporate structures such as companies and trusts. We provide the information you need to make informed decisions.
Incident Response and investigations
No system of internal control can provide absolute assurance against incidents occurring. Organisations must respond appropriately including knowing who to contact, vital first steps, and managing investigations. Any investigation must be: Professional; Swift; Proportionate; Legal, and Fair. We can help manage/support investigations significantly improving the chances of a successful outcome whether that is with a view to securing a criminal conviction; civil recovery; disciplinary action; contractual action, or any combination of these aims.

Training and Workshops
We can design and run bespoke in-house workshops and training sessions. These sessions can help to raise awareness of financial crime risks, teach managers how to spot the red flag warning signs of fraud and explain how and when to raise concerns. Through guided workshops we can help your organisation understand the types of financial crime risks it faces as well as identifying and finding solutions to fix the underlying causes of the problem following an incident.
Risk Assessments
Understanding the nature and scale of any problem is key in taking proportionate and focused action. We can undertake a comprehensive documented financial crime risk assessment across your organisation. Covering internal and external risks from fraud, cybercrime, bribery, corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing, trade sanctions, facilitation of tax evasion and Modern Slavery. Having identified the risks we can advise on the appropriate controls needed to mitigate them.

Data Analytics
Many frauds go undetected for years, early detection is therefore fundamental to reducing their impact. We can use your data to proactively identify potential financial crime issues across your business including highlighting control weaknesses, inappropriate expenditure or identify fraud ‘red flags’. We can offer this service on a reduced fee basis where we take a share of any savings identified.
Financial Crime Managed Service
Managing and monitoring financial crime risks is a continuous task for organisations. Sometimes organisations will need specialist support but not enough to warrant an in-house specialist. We can provide a cost-effective managed service giving you the expertise and advice when you need it.